Click to call phone number from task title

When there is a phone number in the title of an Asana talk or is super hard to actually call it from a mobile device.
The notification email is a link, the app will only select the whole title to copy it.
Very frustrating as we to to use it for internal messaging

Hi @Travis2, welcome to the community forum and thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us!

This is a great request! I’ve gone ahead and sent your feedback internally so it can be considered in future updates. I’ve also moved your thread to the Mobile category slightly updated the name to make it more discoverable for other users that would like to vote for this request. I hope you don’t mind!

Let me know if you have any questions!

has this feature been implemented yet? Would be a very helpful addition. Thanks!

Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @Chance_Devlin, and thanks for your feedback! As it stands, i’s currently not possible to click to call a phone number from the task title. We don’t have updates yet but I’ll keep this thread updated if I have any news! Don’t forget to add your vote!

Is it possible to call a number thats on the description of a task or add a contact number field to the task so it can be called?


Any progress? Thank you

Any progress on this yet. W
ould be SO helpful!

In task descriptions, when viewed on mobile some phone numbers show up as clickable links, others do not. How the phone number is formatted does not seem to influence this (ie with () around area code, - or no- ),

Is there specific way to format phone numbers in task descriptions to ensure they are clickable on mobile?

Can some one please answer Humphrey_Rincon1 message