Can't see asana add in on outlook chrome web version

Hi i’ve just added the asana for outlook add in but it doesn’t seem to appear? How do i find it? I’m using chrome and a mac

Hi @Dan_Walder, welcome to the Asana Forum!

Here is the official Asana for Outlook add in for web: Asana for Outlook I recommend you checking if this is the one you installed. Please also make sure to open on email first to be able to see the add in.

If you still can’t find it, I recommend you to contact our support team so we can investigate further: How to contact our Support Team ✉

I hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions!

Many thanks, Emily. The issue has been resolved and the add-in is now there in the box icon when I open an email. Tried it out and it seems to work fine.
Thanks again!

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