Can we unsubscribe only to Google Document Notifications

Hello forum,

We can now integrate a Google Document directly in a task in Asana. This is a great feature has it allows my team to rapidly access the relevant document for a task we are working on.

In our workflow, we use the comments from Google Docs to edit and have conversations about what we write collectively.

The problem is that I now receive notifications in double. Once from Google Doc and another time from Asana when someone leaves a comment.

So here is my question: Is there a way to stop email updates, but only for the Google Drive integration?

As a project manager, I do want to keep receiving updates if someone does something related to a task I’m part of. At the moment, we can manage in our settings notification for “Activity updates,” which would remove all of those useful notifications.

Thanks for your help and suggestions!

Yes, @Benjamin_J_Allard, you can prevent the double notifications, but using a different approach than I think you’re expecting.

You should remove the GDrive integration (Customize > Apps > Gdrive) from the project where it was added. Instead, just paste the link to the drive file into the task’s description. That will give you one-click access from the task to the file, and maintain the task’s other notifications, but you will no longer get duplicate GDrive notifications from Asana.



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