Can i create a rule that moves a task based on subtasks completion?

I have a project that contains tasks for our staff to do ‘in house’. These are things like, business development tasks, office/workshop maintenance etc.

When a task is added to the project, it uses a template that has 4 subtasks. The first of those is START TASK.

As soon as a staff member begins a task, they have to mark that first START TASK subtask as complete, and then they begin.

This logs their start time on the task.

I want the main task to move to an In Progress section. So our operations manager has a ‘real time’ view on what staff members are working on right at that moment.

A bonus here would be if there was a way for the task to be moved to an On Hold section if the task gets held up by something.

The aim of this is to increase productivity, currently we have staff cherry picking fun/easy projects or, not fully completing tasks but not passing this information on until someone else notices its not complete.


Hi @Max_Middleton , in short, Rules cannot affect the parent taks based on specific subtask being completed. The only rule trigger is when ALL subtasks are completed, which could then complete the parent task for example, or set the status field to a specific option, or any other available action.

However, perhaps I’m not fully understanding your setup, but I don’t think Subtasks are really required in this case. I think they are adding unnecessary complexity, to be honest.

Instead, why not have the Assignee change your status field to ‘In progress’ once they start? Similarly, the assignee can change the status to ‘Onhold’.

You could then setup a chart in the Dashboard chart that can show you the time spent by each Assignee when the task was in the ‘In progress’ status, for example.

Hi @Max_Middleton,

FYI if you do really need the subtasks, you can accomplish what you want via a rule in our Flowsana integration, as our rules can be set up to take actions on the parent task of a subtask that triggers the rule.

Having said that, you should also give some thought as to whether Richard’s proposal would work for you, as it would be overall simpler to not have to use the subtasks.


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