Can I create a report that shows the number of tasks completed daily by multiple people

I want to create a bar/lollipop graph that shows the number of tasks multiple people in a team have completed across multiple days. Ideally, I could have the X-axis set as Monday-Friday with a line for each person. Then the Y axis would be the number of tasks completed. Is this possible?

Welcome to the forum @Beatrice_Debney!

I’m not sure if this is possible.

I’m also not sure if this would be useful or even desirable. This system is easily gamed, and I would question the usefulness of tracking the amount of tasks someone completes.

What is it that you are trying to accomplish? What is the why behind your request?

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Yes, you can use the following:

Chart style: stacked bar
Report on: tasks
Include tasks from: [your project or projects]
Show data labels: on

X-axis: time period > day
Based on task completion
Group by: assignee
Y-axis: task count
Add filter > Completion date within the last 1 week

It doesn’t set the x-axis to Monday-Friday specifically, but you will see a rolling 7 day view