Bug with Recommended Fields via List View

So found a bug that is weird and also problematic because you can’t undo it…

So when I clicked on the “+” button on the List View Screen on got this list of options…

Now what peaked my interest was “:arrow_double_up:Rollup” I hadn’t seen that before and wondered what it is… So of course I clicked on it…

Created 1 maybe 2 fields to try and see how it would/could work for me… Now the problem is that I am on the Advanced plan and as you can See the Formula option means I need to upgrade. So if I look in my Field Library the fields I think I created aren’t there, and all my tasks in this project have the following message…

So Bug?

Also anyone know how I can delete or will I need to get Support involved?


Hi everyone, sorry for the delay. I’m having trouble replicating this behavior on my end. The Support team would be best equipped to investigate this for you as they have access to check the logs. Can you kindly reach out to them via our Help Center page? If you run into issues with the Help Center, please let me know. Thank you!

Hi @Vanessa_N - Sorry I am still not able to log into the Help Center.

I will try and use the chat bot to log a ticket and also video the problem…


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