Best-Practice for Defining Status ("on track, concerned, off track")

What’s up Everyone!!

So I’ve noticed that everyone has different ways of qualitatively judging a task, project, or OKR’s status:

  • “on track”
  • “behind” / “off track”
  • “concerned” / “at risk”

I’ve noticed software like Asana, 15five, Lattice, etc. all leave it up to the end user to define for themselves what differentiates between status levels whereas software’s like Atiim have a formula (based on proportion of total time) that automatically tells you if a task/project/OKR is “on track”, “at risk”, “concerned”, or whatever else.

SO, what has everyone here found to be best-practice for your business work or OKR status definitions/formulas? What is the actual difference/definition of “on track” vs “off track”? My feeling is it’s purely a personal confidence level BUT I like numbers so it’s hard for me to accept that :wink:

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Hi @Sam_Leahey,.

Yep things I want to see and hear when managing the work.

Task has a small enough erfort to be able see progress every second or third day.

See meaningful comments on a regular basis to confirm work/effort is being undertaken.

Blockers called out quickly when found and enough thought given to what the impact is when one is found.

Movement of a piece of work between statues on a regular basis.

If I see the above I am comfortable that a piece of work is most likely to hit it’s due date. If I don’t then I start asking questions…

So based on the above I can’t see how calculations would work, it is purely based on my personal view and experience… Plus % remind me of MS Project and I still get nightmares…

Me personally I just have In progress, At Risk, Issue, FollowUp, External Action, Completed… blank is not started…


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Great criteria @Jason_Woods!!!

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Thanks for sharing about your project statuses Jason. I’m working on an internal doc for our team that defines each status and I’m taking some inspiration from you. How do you define FollowUp vs Issue or At Risk?

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