Had a user ask about this & I’m pretty sure it’s not feasible but thought I’d throw it out here to see if anyone has done something like this.
The question was: Is there a way to have the Outlook plugin triggered to create a task based on an Outlook rule? E.g., If an email comes in with [XYZ] in the subject line, create a task in Asana from that email.
Not with the plugin, but an Outlook (or Gmail) rule can have a trigger result in forwarding the email to x@mail.asana.com (if from an Asana user’s email) and the task will appear in the user’s My Tasks.
Ooh, quick follow-up @lpb: Is there a way to specify an assignee when sending to a specific project? It looks like no but just curious if there’s a workaround for that.
EDIT: Disregard — I found the note about adding the desired assignee as an additional recipient in the TO field.