Automatically add me as a collaborator on *everything*

We’re a wee little agency, and as the founder I still keep an eye on literally everything. The “collaborator” feature is perfect for this, in that I can blast through my Inbox and know what’s up.

So… is there a way for me to be a task collaborator on literally every task?

  • Run a Search in Asana
    • Followed by: Not me (this is a handy Asana search option)
    • Completion: Incomplete
  • Select all Tasks returned by the search and add yourself as a collaborator.
  • Save the Search as a Report and repeat on a regular basis.
    • If you can’t remember to do this on a regular basis, create a recurring Task to remind yourself :wink:
  • :tumbler_glass:

Nice hack! :slight_smile:

Still a hack, but I’ll take it.

I wonder if I could get Zapier to take care of this for me…

I wondered the same thing. Worth investigating.

@lee did you ever find a solution that’s more automated? I’m in the same boat where I actually want to be a collaborator on all tasks which is fine if they’re created by me, but if I don’t create the task then it relies on my team manually adding me. Thanks!

Hi @Mark_Astrinos

Have you already checked out the Funktion “rules”? You can add a rule to each project that adds you as collaborator if a task is created.

Check also therefore this great topic: The coolest Asana rules :sunglasses:

Hope this helps you :blush:


Hi Sylvia, thank you so much! I had completely forgotten about “Rules”. I’m a premium user (not business) so I don’t think I have access to this specific rule. However, I found another use case for rules that will improve efficiencies. You saved the day!! :smiley:

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