Disable auto-assigning collaborators

Hi, I am working on a cross-functional project on Asana. Inside the project, the user clicking on the task, writing a comment, or adding an asignee to a certain task is added automatically as a collaborator. We’d like to remove this. I have checked the rules inside my project, however there is no rule set-up for this auto-add. Where is this coming from and most importantly, how can I disable it?

@Şevval_Hüyüklü - welcome to the forum! The behavior you are describing is native functionality. It occurs when a user:

  • Creates a task
  • Comments on a task
  • Is mentioned on a task
  • Is assigned to a task

AFAIK, you are not able to disable this feature (and I think all of these actions should default add you as a collaborator). You can manually remove people from the collaborator list (on one task or in bulk).

You do not get added as a collaborator when you click on a task or assign it to someone else (unless you match one of the conditions above, like being the task creator).


For some actions you could write a rule to remove te collaborators. I do this e.g with tasks that are created from my gmail, using zapier but that have to be handled by someone else. I remove myself as a collaborator because I do need to be notified when the task is finished.

I do not know if a rule can be triggered when a comment is added.

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