Remove collaborators I did not include in the Project

Hi Team,
I created several ASANA Projects in a new Team.
Each Project has only three members: myself, my colleague and one responsible, different for every project, who is the assignee of all the tasks related to that project.
When I look into the tasks of a specific project, there is a group of 6 other responsible which is a collaborator in every project, but I never include them in other projects except for the one they are responsible for.
Could you explain how is it possible and how can I fix the issue?



Hello @Giovanni_Loglisci welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:

As a first step I recommend reviewing the team settings.

If the project is public to the team then any member of that team will be able to access the project.

If the project is set to private then adding a user as a collaborator to one task will not give them access to the rest of the project.

You can find more info here:

I hope that helps

Hi Andrea,
first of all thanks for your feedback.
The Team is private and the collaborators do not have access to other projects but they receive notifications for other projects and that’s is clearly bothering them.

Hm if they receive notifications about other projects they must be added somewhere.

I recommend having them check their notifications in profile settings as a next step