Assignee field should only show members of a project or team

Similarly, a division-level toggle would be fantastic. My department is on a division license within a university Asana instance, so the problem with every single user who has an Asana account tied to our university email showing up in this field is that if we accidentally assign a task to someone, it will also automatically add them to the division paid account (having the same email domain means they are not considered a “guest”) and take up a seat on the division license, costing the division money. It’s wild that Asana doesn’t have an easy way to prevent that issue for division licenses.

Upvoting here, how many votes and years of something being asked for does it take to get it on a pipeline? Asking because it’s WAYY too easy to assign a task to someone who’s not in the project when clients names are very similar.



It depends! There’s not a simple answer that applies to all. For an overview:



Please limit options for assigning and tagging users to only those actually on the project, with an option to “Add new user to project” if you want to assign or tag someone not already on the project. It’s too easy to accidentally tag the wrong person with a similar name, and even if you delete them immediately, they will get an email with the ticket name and sometimes ticket details depending on how you’ve added them / their settings.


I feel like it kinda goes against the whole “no more silos with Asana” philosophy

Has there been any progress on this @Asana!?! It has been difficult to manage the amount of times this is happening! We are already exploring other options just based on this one issue. SMH.

Really need this

  1. Assignee is only listing people part of the project as viewer, editor, or commenter
  2. Adding collaborators can be anyone in our asana directory

It’s really difficult searching for people who have similar names and sometimes the wrong people are being assigned. We’re also working with guests and they are picking the wrong people. Please help