Asana Crashes: Your Changes Are Syncing - Needs to Reload

When we make a change like moving a key date with lots of dependencies in a Gantt Chart Asana says “Your Changes are Syncing” and often crashes and says “Asana needs to be reloaded” and then will not implement the changes. This is making Asana unusable for the team.

I know we have some complex projects but they aren’t nearly as complex as stuff we have done in MS Project.

Do we need to have a better connection to the Asana server? Why is this happening?

Sorry, @bfr.

Try these troubleshooting steps, then please create a support ticket: the temporary way to do that is:



We have tried those troubleshooting steps and it still is crashing on multiple user accounts. Everyone has the same problem.

We think we have hit the limit of what Asana can handle and it can’t deal with all the links we have between portfolios.

One thing that does seem to help is if you remove dependencies between sections of a project. It allows you to move the sections one at a time but then you need to reconnect the dependencies. This is not ideal because it creates a lot more work.

Support would be able to help you best, though it may take a little time since they’re backed up.



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