Asana and Outlook calendar creates busy all day events

Did any answer ever come with this question? I’m currently trying to figure out the same thing.

I would like to integrate Asana in my Outlook as well. And not only as all day events, but specific time blocks. Even when I add a specific time, it doesn’t show up on my Outlook agenda on that specific time. How difficult can it be to make/programma such a connection? A standard duration of an hour would be sufficient, but for your paying customers this should be customizable as well. I simply want to schedule tasks in the time slots that are available in my agenda so I don’t have to switch between multiple applications. It would be a great addition if the sync also is the other way around. So when I drag and change things in my Outlook agenda, that Asana gets this up to date info as well. In that way I can focus on my work during a work day. Or is this something you fear at Asana? That another app gets a more central role instead of your own app?


Same problem - whole day in calendar is busy if a deadline is set for a task. How to remove the task from being “busy” in outlook calendar to being “free”?

In need of help merging Outlook TO Asana as well!

Have there been any updates on this? I’m experiencing the same thing and I’ve been through every setting on Asana and Outook.

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Suggestion - it would be great if Asana could the adapt the integration that allows you to turn an Outlook email into an Asana task (which is fab) so that you could quickly do the same thing for Outlook calendar entries (but even better if this could also pick up the Outlook calendar entry date as the deadline for the task being created in Asana). This would make it much easier to see everything you have on during a day in one place…


Hello team,

Looking for some help with calendar settings when using Outlook. I created a sports property calendar, and for users utilizing Outlook on Mac it is showing their meeting availability as busy during the day of a sport event.

The event’s aren’t timed and appear as headers in Outlook - does anyone know how to set the default settings to not show as busy during these events without manually setting each topic as available?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


+1 This issue makes the whole app unusable for me. I need the tasks not to cause my entire day to show as “busy” in outlook to my colleagues.

This is a good idea, the functionality is there but only useful if you have a couple of tasks per day. I have over 30 all day tasks per day sitting in my calendar which is overwhelming. Are there any other options?

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Hey everyone, I’m Lorin with zzBots and we’ve built a few 1 and 2-way syncs between Asana and Microsoft Outlook that can sync the Start (Asana Premium users) & Due Date time. If you choose the 2-way sync bots, you can modify/create the events in Microsoft Outlook and zzBots will sync the events over to Asana as new or updated tasks.

For Asana Premium users, you can install the following 2-way sync bot pack:
Asana Premium ⇄ Microsoft Outlook Calendar (Online) | 2-Way Sync

For non-premium users, you can use this 2-way sync:
Asana ⇄ Microsoft Outlook Calendar (Online) | 2-Way Sync

If you only need to sync from Asana into Microsoft and you don’t need anything syncing back, you can use this bot pack:
Asana ➜ Microsoft Outlook Calendar (Online) | 1-Way Sync


This worked.

Hello, I have been searching through the forum to find an answer to this question, but I don’t see the answer in this thread. Today, I was demonstrating for some clients on how to import their Asana tasks into an Outlook calendar, and by default, it is still creating all-day tasks and showing them as Busy, not as free. The end result is that their calendar is unavailable for the entire day. I am not aware of any setting in Outlook Calendar that determines whether an Event defaults to “show busy”. Is there any update from Asana on this or how to work around it?

I think Clockwise (Asana Google Calendar & MS Outlook Calendar Integration | Clockwise) may also do this, although I haven’t experimented with it enough. I could connect it to my work outlook account, but not my school one. I think it depends on what the permissions are set for using outlook add-ons in your organisation. I’ve tried the native asana-outlook calendar sharing both using rules (needs access to outlook) and the adding via the url in outlook for web

Sorry, too fast on the send. The issue with subscribing to the calendar is that it shows up as all-day events that are set to ‘Busy’ in outlook, which blocks off your whole day from an availability setting which can be problematic. The rule connection is better, as you can set the individual time for the task in outlook, but I don’t think it syncs that back to Asana.

Hello @Emily_Roman - I posted to this old thread a few days ago but didn’t mention your name, so thought I’d do that here. I’m eager to see if there are any additional integration resources that could provide guidance for a situation where all day Asana tasks are being brought into an Outlook Calendar and being set as “Busy”. I only have one user where this is happening, and I cannot recreate it, but I’m just curious if there is any other documentation or resources you or someone on your team might be able to point to. Thanks.

Hi @Tim_Blair_BNPA, thanks for sharing your feedback with us! As it stands, Tasks will show as all day events when you sync your Asana project with Outlook calendar. However, we have recently launched some updates o sync individual tasks:

I hope this helps!

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