Archiving a Board

Can you archive a board?

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Hi @Kathe_Barrington A board is just a different way of viewing the project, so regardless if the project is in board or list mode you can archive the project

Refer to this guide article.
Setting Up a Project in Asana | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide

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Thanks Jason. I am not trying to archive the project…the project is ongoing but that particular portion of the board is done and milestone is past so I would like to archive just that…if I try to delete it, it wants to delete the old tasks but I want to be able to go back to them.

Hi @Kathe_Barrington
Okay think I understand now in that you want to archive the Column on the board. Which is also a section if you look at the project as a list view.

Unfortunately at present this is not possible here is a post that has some possible workarounds and you can vote for the feature.


Yes, archiving a part of the project would be great…we are using projects as “clients” and working on things month by month with “milestones”…I don’t want to delete historical tasks or start a new project for milestones that are long gone. It would be great to check off that portion and archive it as part of that project without deleting it.


Hi @Jason_Woods and @Kathe_Barrington. I too would like to archive a section without deleting it, but the only two options are “Rename Section” or “Delete Section”. Jason, you mentioned a suggestion to add an option to complete a section, but I don’t see where I have the capability to do this. Can you elaborate?

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Nothing has been fixed that I have seen…I would love to be able to archive without deleting…I am not sure what the options are so would love an update.