API bug?

we’re integrating Asana with other tools, such as Jira, Azure DevOps, and more.
Recently, our customers are expecting issues related to the Asana bug. The error message we got:

"Failed to fetch flow triggers: Invalid response status code received (expected: 200 but got 500). Response: {“errors”:[{“message”:“Oops! An unexpected error occurred while processing this request. The input may have contained something the server did not know how to handle. Usually waiting and then retrying the request once fixes this. If the issue is persistent, please contact api-support@asana.com and include the error phrase from this response.”,“help”:"For more information on API status code“

The integration should be triggered once there is any change on the Asana side too, like it worked before.
Is there any known bug? Anyone knows how to get it fixed?

Have you written to that email address about the error? Since you’re getting an unexpected error, I think you’ll need Asana API support to look into it for you.

Hi Phil, thanks for the reply.
We opened a support ticket, but they are not responsive… No reply for a few days now.
Is there any direct email we could use?

Can you supply more details about what you’re doing that returns the error? What Asana API calls you’re making and the content of what you’re sending?