Android app on apple phone not working - with tasks feature (not able see tasks)

Dear Asana fourm,

please see picture attached : showing print screen image of the app on my phone.

its shows 0 tasks on my asana app - and I don’t know why this is.

Erm because I have lots of tasks on my Asana on PC - please could users tell me how to fix this problem? " SV

I could try upload picture of my PC app if helps

maybe @Bastien_Siebman who replied earlier " says voice

Perhaps try clicking the Account icon in the bottom-right and checking if you’re in a workspace/org other than the one you expect to be (in case you’re looking at a different workspace/org on your phone vs your PC app).

And how to you run an Android app on an “apple phone?” :slight_smile:




see image attached - that’s what looks like on the Asana PC version

Yeah - I tried clicking on account icon on IOS - and I am in the same work space - but my tasks don’t shown - and had an idea it could be because my iPhone 8 doesn’t run the latest version of IOS (so hasn’t got latest version of Asana app - is that it do you think?

Thanks Larry"

Asana’s iOS app (I’ll assume that’s what you’re using but you’ve posted in Android - Tips & Tricks and titled this “Android app”) requires iOS 16 or higher:

If you have that, then I would uninstall and reinstall and try again. If that fails, try these troubleshooting steps, then please create a support ticket: see How to contact our Support Team.

Best wishes,


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That could be what the problem is, I looked in settings in my iPhone 7 I have - and see it is version iOS 15.8

So that’s why Asana doesn’t work on my device?

What should I do about this Larry?

I scanned over the article you hyperlinked … "

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