Allow custom ID field to be searchable by ID alone

We have been adding a prefix to our ticket titles indicating a ticket number for some projects. The Custom ID field has been interesting and we would use it, however there is one issue. You cannot search by the number - you can only search by the entire field (including the prefix). So for example, if I have an ID that has a prefix of ABCD and the number following is 100, you must search completely for “ABCD-100” in order for that task to be returned in search results. It is more efficient to not have to remember the prefix, and it would be just fine if multiple tasks from various projects with the same ID following the prefix were returned. For example, if there were 2 projects and both had the same number with different prefixes (eg. ABCD-100 & DCBA-100), a search of “100” should return both. Thanks for the consideration!