Some Task may be belong to multi sections, but it is not allowed right now.
Are you referring to multiple sections within the same project or within multiple projects? Currently you can multi home tasks between projects, however you cannot within the same project. Is there a reason that you can’t copy a task for multiple sections within the same project or create multiple projects from the sections in your original project?
Is there a reason that you can’t copy a task for multiple sections within the same project or create multiple projects from the sections in your original project?
I have the same need as well.
The main issue with cloning within a project to assign to different sections would be updating multiple clones when things change.
The use case is using sections as tags, but not using tags since sections are visually better to work with - you can see everything in columns and is pre-set in the view - vs. Tags that requires a filter/search and need to toggle on/off
Using multiple projects is not optimal since it requires segmenting tasks across projects and projects have their own management overhead and project scoped tools (timeline is project specific, calendar is project specific etc)
For me, projects would be worse than cloning , but cloning can easily lead to differences in content of tasks / higher chance of human error
Its been a while since there was activity on this thread - any update on if this is being considered by Product?
Yes, it would be extremely helpful to be able to link a task to multiple sections within the same project! I don’t want to duplicate a task across sections, because it is ONE task, but I need it to appear under more than one section at a time because the different sections are tied to different meetings or different groups of people under the same project, like a Venn diagram. Not having the functionality to link a task to more than one section within a project is very frustrating.