Alert that someone else is currently typing

It would be great to have some sort of notification that someone else is currently composing a new comment on a task, often times people will comment near simultaneously, with overlapping content.

Hello @Nate :wave:

Thanks for the great feedback, taking the time to explain why this is an issue for you and your team as well as the screenshot, we really appreciate it!

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Good idea :+1: , we exchange a lot of comments in the tasks and the questions / answers are often crossed. An indication “someone is typing” would be very useful :slight_smile:

Yes, please! Can’t tell you how many times I get distracted when writing a comment and forget to hit “Comment”. I go back several days later and wonder why the asignee didn’t make changes only to find the comment still sitting in progress.

My team uses Asana extensively for meetings and it’s great. One persistent problem we have, though, is that multiple people will take notes on a task during the meeting because it’s unclear whether anyone is doing it. (We take notes as comments, rather than the description, because we feel it’s better organized that way.)

It would be very helpful if there were just a little “john is typing…” indicator below the comment box to let you know that someone’s typing something.

Hey @anon41861847 welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:

Agree this would be a nice feature.

Though for meetings I‘d recommend that when the meeting starts to define who will be the person responsible for taking notes and prepare all action steps as tasks/subtasks to avoid confusion :slight_smile: At least in our team that works best, because otherwise sometimes it might happen that nobody is taking detailed notes or action steps are missed.

Also I found this existing thread you might want to upvote: Alert that someone else is currently typing

Ah! Thanks for the link. I had originally looked for “presence” and then changed my tack to “typing indicator” after I started writing the suggestion ;). I’ll close this one in favor of that one.

To be clear, though, we do choose a “secretary” at the beginning of meetings, but people never quite seem to have confidence. It would just easy everyone’s mind if they could see, “oh, Kael’s typing something”.

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Ah okay that makes sense :slight_smile: