Advanced Search Projects created on specific date

How do I create a report of all new projects created in the last week? I’m not seeing where to call out a Projects “Create” date. Thank you.

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Hi @Kristi_Parker :wave:t2:

Great call out! Currently, it is only possible to search for Tasks, Messages or both created on a specific date with Advanced Search.

I’ve gone ahead and moved your post to the #productfeedback category to give you and other Community members the option to vote for this feature! :slight_smile:

Hopefully this is something our Product team can implement in the future. I’ll keep this thread posted with any updates!

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As a project-based agency, we have hundreds of active projects open at any given time. Often when we are using the Advanced Search for reporting, we are looking for Projects, rather than Tasks or Messages. To my knowledge, there is not a way to generate a report at the project level within Asana. Sorting the search results by project does not accomplish what we are looking for as it generates a very cumbersome list of the individual tasks, rather than a list of the relevant projects. We currently use Portfolios and its data export to generate the needed reports. However, if we could use the Advanced Search to generate those reports directly, it would be a tremendous time saver and also help prevent errors that inevitably occur during the manual data transfer.

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Hi @Traci_Naff,

Currently, it is only possible to search for Tasks, Messages or both with Advanced Search.

We do have an existing thread for this request in the #productfeedback category so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with this to consolidate feedback :slight_smile:

Hopefully this is something our Product team can implement in the future. I’ll keep this thread posted with any updates!

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Hi @Traci_Naff – We’ve had the exact same struggles. Everything we do is at a project level. If you have Tableau and use the Asana integration, I do believe there is a “Project Create Date” there. We are currently exploring how to get more of what we need from the Tableau connection.

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Glad to know it’s not just us! We’ve also used Google Data Studio to create project-level dashboards from the Asana Portfolio Google Sheet. That might be worth exploring as well.

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Just added my vote to this request! It’s weird to me that you can’t see how many projects were created in a given time (or from a specific project template, either).

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This feature is helpful for analysis and reporting or in many other ways. I even tried pulling out this data through the dashboard view which is not possible. I am here to vote for this feature.