Admin edit options of project I am not a part of?


Someone on my team made some projects in the wrong team section. As an admin of the entire Organization, it will not let me move these to the correct Team. How as an Admin can I do this and also do this in the future?

The projects are private? You don’t see them yourself?

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Hi @Matthew_Welzenbach :wave:t3:

If you’re a member of the project and have edit rights on this project, you should be able to move it to another team following these steps!

If that does help, can you please share more details? Screenshots of what you’re seeing could be helpful!

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I see the projects as they were made by a different member of the team. But I am not a part of the tasks. But I am an Admin for the Organization as a whole but cannot edit or move these projects to the proper area for them.

@Matthew_Welzenbach, do you see the option to join the project? If so, click on “Join” and you should be able to move this project.

Capture d’écran 2020-08-17 à 15.29.44

If that doesn’t help, could you please share a screenshot of what you see so we can help further? (feel free to hide any private information)

Alternatively, you can also reach out to our support team following these steps → How to contact our Support Team ✉

I have looked on some of the tasks in question and I do NOT see a Join option as an admin of the Organization. image

Hi @Matthew_Welzenbach and thanks for the follow-up.

As an Admin, you don’t have access by default to everything (you can learn more about the Admin status here). Right now I don’t have enough information to help you via the Forum, so I’d recommend reaching out to our support team who will be able to take a closer look into this for you. In order to help them resolve this as quickly as possible, make sure to give them the name and URL of this team. A full screenshot of what you’re seeing would also be helpful!