Admin Console - User's Team Settings

Currently as an (Divisional) Admin there is no way in the Admin Console for me to tell if a user is a part of the team fully or just on some projects if I am not on that team (without adding myself to the team).

E.g Opening Admin Console and checking the users team settings it says that the user is on the team. However, I knew the user should’ve had access to a certain task so I reached out to a person on the team to check if they were listed on the “Members with access to specific projects” section and Grant full access. The backend reflected they were on the team only, not that they had limited access.

My question is… as an Admin, why can’t we see in the console whether a user has full access or partial access to the team? Can we please have this function considered in the next updates for Admin Console?

Sidenote: in a Division setting, being a team member or a project member will both trigger a license to be used.
But your question remains!