Admin Console Link Not Showing Up

I just now converted my Workspace to an Organization. This was so I can use the “Guests” feature for my contract workers.

After the change, the link to the “Admin Console” has disappeared? I can’t seem to navigate to the Admin Console and manage members. There doesn’t appear to be any way for me to add/remove Guests or anything?

Help appreciated!


Hi @Ryan_Knuppel and welcome to the Forum!

Sorry to hear you are experiencing difficulties here. From what I can see you have converted you Workspace into a Team Plan rather than an Organization plan and as it stands, The Admin Console is available for Admins of an Organization only.

To give you some context Organizations are broken down into [Teams]. These are subsets of people in an Organization who collaborate on projects with each other. Each team has its own Members and projects, Team Conversations, and Team Calendar. You can verify this in your Team Settings

You can verify your Billing Team following these steps. Additionally you can access your Team Settings following the steps outlined here.

If you wish to move your current Team plan for the entire Organization to have access to the Admin Console, please contact our Support Team requesting this change. They will be more than happy to assist you with this.

I hope this helps Ryan but please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with!


Thanks! This does help. But how in the world did I manage to convert my plan to a “Team Plan”. I clicked “Convert to Organization”. LOL…

Whats the pricing difference between a Team Plan and an Organization Plan?

I have several support tickets open but it takes 24 hours each response and I’m needing help quick. Thanks for your help here – really appreciate it.


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HI @Ryan_Knuppel and thank you for the quick follow-up!

I would encourage you to follow-up with our Support Team as they are better equipped to take a closer look into this and provide you with more detailed information according to your current plan. Please note our team is currently tackling some backlog but they will be get back to you as soon as possible!

Apologies for not being able to assist you further via Forum Ryan but please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with! Have a great Friday!

Hi Asana, I’m also facing a similar problem, and would like assistance to get access to my admin console for our organization/team (to manage full/guest members) - and the above steps have not helped. Let me know. Cheers, Neil

I’m also facing a similar probelm. I can’t find my admin console anywhere after switching the plan to organization. Please help

I recently formed a new organization and added teams. I am the billing agent and the organization is working (Asana is requesting payment for additional seats when new team members are added to projects). I have administrative rights to ‘free’ teams I did not form and no administrative access to the teams and organization I’ve formed. I’ve been back and forth with support for over a week and have yet to have the question of admin rights addressed. I hired an outside consultant to make sure the Organization setup was proper, and passed that test. Still no administrative access still need help.

Hello, we face the same problem right now. Is there a solution we can solve it ourselve?

I seem to have the same issue… It seems this is a bug Asana has not address for a while?
When upgrading from Workspace to Organization, users loose the Admin access?

For me, even if i manually type the url to get to the admin page, it tells me to upgrade and acts like I have not already paid to be a Business User…

Think there is a bug with their upgrading process.

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Same problem right after two years of the first ticket…

I converted to organization and now i dont have access to admin console, help?

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Hi there,

My company recently converted to an organization as well. It’s all been rather confusing, but this is what we have learned:

What happens when you convert is that the workspace becomes a TEAM in an ORGANIZATION. For whatever reason, (possibly a missed step during conversion, or just a program flaw,) our paid workspace turns into a PAID TEAM in a FREE ORGANIZATION. At that point, the teams are sort of treated separately. Only that one team will have the paid features, any new teams are essentially on the free plan. (I’m still not sure WHY that takes away the admin console. :thinking:)

To fix it we had to have Asana sales support apply the paid plan over the whole organization. Once that happens all teams will be treated equally, the admin console should return and you’ll be able to manage things from there again. (Thus far I haven’t found a way around getting support to do it for you.)
NOTE: You’ll want to make sure the billing owner has added his/her domain email to their main Asana billing account. They are the only one who can request the change from support.

Hopefully this sheds some light on what might be causing your trouble, or steer you toward a possible solution. Or you might be experiencing a different issue. This is just our experience with the process. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I hope they can help you get it sorted out soon!

This is so dumb. Asana should make navigation easy—not impossible… especially when I’m paying $400/month. Terrible CS.