Add "unassigned" to the Incomplete Tasks by Assignee graph in Dashboards

On the current project dashboard there is a section which shows the Incomplete Tasks by Assignee which is great but would really helpful to have the graph include the “unassigned” as well to see the ratio


Hi @Natalie4, thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback! :slight_smile:

I agree, this would be a helpful feature! Hopefully this is something our Product team can implement in the future.

I’ll keep you posted here on this thread if I have any updates :crossed_fingers:t2:


Yes!! I am trying to display “orphan tasks” to my team to show how important it is that they don’t get lost and this would be GREAT!!

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Our team would benefit hugely from this! Each morning, we want to look at a list of unassigned tasks, and then divide those unassigned tasks evenly across the team (Tech Support Team).

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Note: Not a solution but marked as such to elevate a key reply

Hi all, here is a workaround for this that I posted, here: