Add three-character day of week to date tooltips at least, and some date references too

Let me add my daily frustration to this thread. I just sat staring at due dates marked as Tuesday or Saturday wondering when exactly the task was due. As ever so often what seem as a simple update - allow the user to set the date format - is something that is not tackled by the Asana team.

Is it possible that a lot of resources are used to roll out new features in order to attract more customers, while small updates get cluttered? When you look at the topics on the forum, there are dozens of such topics.

Thanks for allowing me to ventilate a bit of my frustration. Maybe I’ll set a task for Tuesday to do it again :laughing:

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Screenshot 2023-01-16 22.06.53
This is how annoying the time format is. When you print a task, it says e.g. that the task was created 3 minutes ago. This means absolutely nothing when you show the printout to someone three days later.
This needs to be fixed.

Here I go again
 upvoting a feature request in Asana where nothing will ever actually happen :slight_smile:

New Asana user here–just want to echo what everyone else is saying, PLEASE change the due dates from saying things like “Wednesday”. Just dates, please. I hate having to stop and think if Monday or Wednesday is coming up sooner.


I just want to bump this up. Please add this simple feature!

Please, just dates.


Asana. Hello? Given the numerous requests for this, as well as the fact that it is common sense, I suggest that we make this a priority for implementation. It is not complicated from an engineering standpoint.

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Agreed - it’s ridiculous that we have to also remember calendar dates and days of the week while reviewing. It shouldn’t be difficult to allow for different date formats.

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Dear @Emily_Roman and other Asana stuff, I add my voice to this thread: please, solve this issue.

Silly way to display “due date” for an App for project managers tracking deliverables. Who came up with displaying the day idea! is it gonna get fixed ?

The new year is coming and I do hope that a changing the way dates are displayed in Asana is on the new year’s resolution list of the Asana team.

As mentioned before, I still struggle daily to figure out when a task a due when it says e.g. Thursday.

Please, please, please Asana could uou let users choose the way dates are displayed?

You can set this for a number field, but not for a date.

There, one more task that I can complete:

:white_check_mark: Complain about the date format on the Asana Forum.

Desperate for this to change. Why is it marked that this topic has been solved? I didn’t read a solution. If someone has a work around, please share.

Thanks; I’m not sure when/how that occurred but I just unmarked that post as a solution. No real workaround I’m afraid



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Commenting here again, after commenting on this a year and a half ago, this is such a very simple thing.

Every day I end up having to click on the due date so that I can open the calendar to see the actual due date instead of “Thursday”.

Why can’t it be shown just like the OP posted, on all tasks?


I need this, too!
A formatting rule where we can decide the format of how the date is displayed would be so perfect!


It’s very frustrating that this threat is now four years old with no comment or update. Lack of real dates is a real problem that should have been solved at this point.

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I need this too, how many more people need to ask?

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Also bumping this request - would be very helpful to see the date, not just day of week!

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