I want to start by giving some context: When I create a subtask under a parent task that belongs to a project, the parent task is assigned to the project, whereas the subtask is not. This is expected, as subtasks do not automatically inherit the project from their parent task.
Recently, Asana introduced a great feature that allows the Projects column in My Tasks to display projects a subtask is indirectly part of—meaning it shows the project of the parent task if the subtask is assigned to me.
However, if this subtask is also added (multi-homed) to another project, the “indirect” project (from the parent task) does not appear in the Projects column within that project.
This seems inconsistent to me. I understand that a subtask is technically not part of a project just because its parent task is, but if this information is visible in My Tasks, why shouldn’t it also be displayed in other projects where the subtask is added?
The feature that shows indirect project associations for subtasks in My Tasks should also be extended to projects to which the subtask is added.
I would love to hear others’ thoughts on this!