I would like to add a group of projects to a portfolio. What is the best way to do that? So far, I only see adding one by one and from a list of recommended projects. Otherwise, having to type the name of each project to add.
I think you currently don’t have a choice. Maybe the API could help if you have a lot of adding to do. Otherwise you are stuck (for now) with manual work.
Hi @Danny_Williams and welcome to the Forum
As it stands, it is not possible to add multiple projects to a Portfolio at once, it can only be done one project at a time. But this is definitely a good feedback for future improvement so I have gone ahead and move this thread to the #productfeedback category to allow you and other Forum Members to vote for this feature request to prioritised. i’ve also slightly modified the title of this thread to better reflect your idea and make the most more discoverable; hope you don’t mind
Thanks! Perhaps even an option to add to a portfolio when you click on a project would be nice.
Is there an update on this feature? I see the request was from one year ago…I’d like to select multiple projects at once and add them to the Portfolio.
No news but with my tool iDO Tools - Improve Asana with our tools and automations you could add all the org projects or all the projects from within a team, maybe that will help?
I would add a +1 to the ability to add multiple projects to a portfolio at once. It’s not a deal killer but it seems like a simple solution to relieve a unduly arduous task.
Hello Community. I strongly support that idea too !
I upgraded for business licence especially in order to manage portfolios and … first attempt is frustrating, because I have to add my projects one by one in the portfolio I created. No drag & drop, No multiple selection, no check box for “add to portfolio”
I have a tool to sync a portfolio with a team, the tool makes sure that each portfolio matching a team (by name) is filled with the right projects! Message me if you want to know more.
+1 - or re-writing the workload feature to work for Teams module might be a better approach? Since members of a team can be spread across multiple projects which may or may not be owned by your direct team.
+1 vote for ability to add multiple projects in one swoop to a portfolio, pleeeeeeease
It would be great if we had the ability to ‘Add project/s to Portfolio’ in bulk by multi-selecting projects from the ‘Add Work’ button or by multi-selecting projects from the Team drop-down list in the left hand nav panel and being able to drop and drag to a Portfolio.
We keep finding that some staff in the team (who are creating a significant number of new projects every day/week) keep forgetting to add them to the portfolio after creation. We then need to manually add them to the Portfolio/s one-by-one and it takes ages.
I’ve also added a new voting feedback topic for adding a new project to a portfolio/s at the creation stage: Add ‘Add to Portfolio’ to the ‘Create new blank project’ and ‘Create new project from template’ pages
Hey @Melanie_Matthews here is an existing product feedback request to upvote: Add multiple Projects to Portfolio at once
Is this still not a feature? We have 8 teams, maybe 100 active projects at any one time. How to I add them all to an “All Projects” portfolio? How do I ensure none are missed (which would be catastrophic)?
Not a bulk-add solution, but another approach that may help some folks:
You can specify in a project template (even an otherwise blank one) that any project created from that template be added to one or more named portfolios automatically upon creation.
Or an easy solution would be to be able to click on Team and have a tab (Overview, Messages, Calendar) for Projects. Clicking on this would give you a list view of all projects created by that team with all same abilities as a portfolio view (customize fields, sort, filter, etc).
Not being able to view all active projects in porfolio makes this feature not useful. It is arduous to add all of the active projects to the porfolio. I am doing a free trial specifically to try the workload feature, but I cannot see this working for us without a way to batch add, or view all active projects in the porfolio.
Any update here? I have around 500 projects I need to add to a Portfolio so I can run a workload view across our entire studio. Currently, I have to run searches to find all the projects, and then have to click, wait until it loads, then navigate the menus to then add it to a portfolio. Timing myself, it says about 30 second each one which means to get all the projects I need added to a portfolio it will take me roughly around 41 hours! And that is just 1 portfolio, I am also going to need to do this to create manager specific portfolios and some for things like Quarter 1 work, Product Specific Work, etc. Help!!
What I am hoping for is the ability to search for a list of projects, do a multi-select/select all (just like with task level), and get a menu at the bottom to mass change the projects (again like it works with tasks). The immediate actions needed are: Assigning/Removing from Portfolios, Status Change, Date Change, Owner Change, and Delete/Archive