Add multiple fields at once

It’s a little annoying to add fields to a project one at a time. Could we have an option to select more than one field before continuing?

Agreed, good idea.

Great idea, @Justine_D! we don’t have immediate plans to implement a similar feature but I’ll keep you posted! Thanks for sharing!

I have run into the need to add multiple custom fields to a new project a few times recently and it made me wonder why there isn’t an option to have a list where you can check all of the custom fields that are public to your organization to create a much faster way to add them all at once. Or create functionality in the “Choose from Library” window where you can search and check the one you want to add and then keep repeating that process until you have all of the fields you need and then click “Add” to add them all at once.

I find it really cumbersome to have to go and click “Add field” and then type, select, and repeat when I am adding many fields at once. (especially with the new upgrade to 30 fields per project where I am quite literally maxing that out). Has anyone else run into this issue? Is there a workaround @Bastien_Siebman @Phil_Seeman ?

Hi @Chandler_Ferguson,

Sorry, no workaround that I’m aware of.

Sounds to me like a good utility for @Bastien_Siebman’s Minimalist-work toolkit. :wink:

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Wow 30 fields for a project, manually, indeed that sound cumbersome. I could definitely build a tool for this, anyone else interested? :thinking:


Thanks for sharing your feedback with us, @Chandler_Ferguson! If you need to create multiple projects using the same 30 custom field, you can create a Project Template and duplicate it every time you need to have a project and create all custom fields at once.

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Hi Emily, thanks for that thought. We use templates for pretty much everything, but unfortunately, in this case, these one-offs are all custom.

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@Chandler_Ferguson let me know how often you do this and how much time you would save, so I can consider coding something :heart:

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Great idea, @Justine_D! You have my vote!

I share @Chandler_Ferguson’s frustrations when having to add multiple global custom fields to one-off projects. We use custom templates for the stand projects that need to be built, but it’s definitely a pain to click back and forth in situations where you need to start fresh.

@Bastien_Siebman it probably takes no more than 10 minutes to map up to 30 fields to a project. I probably have to do this 1-2 times a month I would say. Interested in @Chandler_Ferguson’s estimate as well.

Probably similar to @LEGGO. It doesn’t take long and isn’t super often, but just seems like it could be a quick fix - especially to save my poor wrist that is getting carpal tunnel from all the clicking/mouse moving that I do on the daily. Thanks for considering it!

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Just so you know it would take me about 3 hours to get something together, and I am really limited on my time (working as a software dev 90% of the time) so I won’t be building this unless someone has some kind of budget to finance the time :slight_smile:

For me too, similar to @Chandler_Ferguson.
I have created a template and laid out about 30 projects with fields.
However management decided to add more fields to be applied to each project and so far the method of creating it in org-wide library then manually adding each field into each project is the only way. Would be great if there was a “select/select all” feature to add fields or significant changes to the projects en masse. Thanks!

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I suggest to copy a Project and use it as a template. I believe that way it might come with all the field. perhaps