Add guests without project or team?

I use templates to build project boards for new client implementation. The assignee for tasks is either the project manager or the client. I’d like to be able to use the role feature in templates for each of these roles. In the past, I’ve had to build the project board then invite the guest client. Is there a way to invite the guest before the board is built, so I can utilize a “client” role within the template. I don’t want to invite any new client to a team for security purposes. Is there a way to to accomplish this?

Welcome, @Seth_Ronchetti,

It doesn’t appear that you can invite a Guest without adding them to a team, I’m afraid.

Would it work have a permanent “Guest” team with just you as the ongoing member, no project within, and for each new client:

  1. Add new client to Guest team and have client join your Asana org
  2. Create project from template, assigning Client role to new client
  3. Remove new client from Guest team

Hope that helps,


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Actually you can invite them on a single task, would that work for your use case?

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