Accidentally removed myself (only member) from a private project

I was trying to be sure a project I was about to share would be private and I removed myself, the only team member on my private project, and I can no longer see the project to re-add myself. Of course, all the tasks are still there under tasks I created, but their sections and nesting are gone (OMG). Does anyone know how to reinstate my membership to my own project? Why on earth can I remove the only team member from a project, what purpose does that serve? Am I missing something really obvious here? Help, please.

Hi Marceleen,
No worries, all your data is still there.

But you need to contact Asana Support - Help Center • Asana and tell them your email and workspace, so that they can redo your action.


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I have the same problem and the option to reach out to Asana support is no longer there. How can I get access back to my personal projects workspace? Thanks.

Hi @Cristian_Darie, you can contact our support team following the steps in this thread: How to contact our Support Team ✉ :slight_smile: