Access Permissions from Projects that I admin

Aloha Community- Seeking some help here.

We are a nonprofit located in Maui helping with relief efforts here for the Lahaina Wildfire. We have been using asana for a while now for our internal process of financial assistance. The amount of cases we are handling have increased drastically and with that the amount of volunteers that we have helping get back to each of these affected families. Each volunteer needs access to the project and the ability to move down the flow the different “cases” as well to comment on them.

I have been trying to work with a sales/support agent to figure out billing (we just got charged $4000 extra) and ways to stream line this huge issue, I haven’t been able to get through the chat agent, they just keep sending me their pricing structure. We understand there is a cost for the platform and we LOVE asana but right now having to allocate $4000 extra towards software is just painful.

Any advice here? Asking for friend in the community. We have been going nonstop for a few weeks now :pensive:

Welcome, @David_Lopez6, and thank you.

First, I imagine you’ve already secured the 50% nonprofit discount assuming you qualify, but in case not, see:

Guests in your Asana (those with any email address not matching your domain email address) are free and suffice for virtually all day-to-day work. Is that an option–have volunteers use other email addresses? Just make sure you grant them permission to see the projects they need to. Test on your own using your Gmail or other email address.

Perhaps @Hella can point to a resource to assist more directly if and are not getting to a solution?



Thank you Larry, we have tried to set that up in the past, probably it was dropped some point. I’ll have my team look into that again.

80% of the users in the project are setup as guest but it still counts them as a seat for some reason

Sorry, David, I was assuming your Asana was set up with an “Organization” but it may instead be set up with a “Workspace.” If the former, you wouldn’t be charged for Guests.

Normally Sales would help you with these questions because they can be complicated.

I wonder if @Bastien_Siebman and iDO as an Asana Solution Provider could help; Solution Providers (or Resellers) can handle your Asana account as an alternative to Asana themselves.

Fingers crossed,


Ah yes! That rings a bell! I thinks that’s why. Now I am running into a new problem. Some organization accounts are being locked out of the project- Even tho they have access to the project. Hopefully someone can pick-up the ticket from Asana team, huge bummer to be having issues now

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Update: Looks like board view is having issue for some users, everyone still can access the entire project on List view. Weird- wondering if is doing something in the backend

Important note: To help us resolve your issue as quickly as possible, please ensure to fill out all the sections below. Do not share any private information such as email addresses or phone numbers - This is a public Forum!

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
On Board view, I get an alert that I need to request access from admins while I’m on the Team Admin as members in that project. Other than that I can access the project on List View.

Steps to reproduce:

Browser version:
Google Chrome

What version of Asana are you using (Basic/Premium/Business/Enterprise)?

Upload screenshots below:

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I’m having the same issue, owner of the project but no board access. Basic Version.

I’ve just come here because of the exact same issue.


Uggh. Others are running into this. See:



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Me too exactly the same issue

Hi everyone, sorry for the inconvenience. Our Developers have confirmed that this was a bug, but it has since been fixed. Please refresh your Asana and if you are still unable to access your projects let me know!

Hi, we are still seeing this issue on Lytx’s Asana instance. Is the fix still propogating through servers or something?

Hi @Dan_Hontz, sorry to hear that the issue persists on your end. The fix has already been deployed, so you shouldn’t see it anymore. I’d recommend reaching out to our Support team and providing them with the project ID so that they can investigate this further for you. A screenshot of the error message you are seeing will also help them identify the problem. Thank you!

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