Ability to use the new time tracking feature on mobile

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
I cannot set the estimated time on a task.

Steps to reproduce:
Activate the estimated time field in my tasks or any project.
Create a task and tap estimated time under fields in attempt to set it.
Prompt is unresponsive.

Android app version: 7.37.2


Hi @Dylan_Barker, welcome to our Community Forum! At this time, time tracking fields are read-only on the Android app, but we do hope we can launch this feature on mobile as well in a future update!

I’ve gone ahead and moved your topic to our Feedback section so that you and other users can vote on this feature :slight_smile:

Hi, how can I update the Estimate time on Asana Android app ?
When I tap on it, nothing happens:

I can only modify it on my PC with internet browser: https://i.imgur.com/5RYFRTa.png

Welcome, @Chris147,

The field is read-only on Android at the moment. I’ve moved your post to thread where you can vote at the top with the purple Vote button (as I did).



Are there a workaround on the mobile to edit this field (it is critical for us) ? I mean, can we create a custom field in a way that with an automation it is modifying this time estimate field ?


There’s no workaround that I know of other than using a numeric field instead of the time tracking type field. Sorry.

Is there any update on having the time track available on the mobile app? Some techs use the mobile app 80% of the time, and not having this on the mobile app prevents us from increasing our Asana adoption rate.


Time tracking from mobile is a critical feature for my team as well.


Are there any updates on this being addressed on the Asana roadmap?

Mobile Time Tracking is essential.


Any update on this mobile capability?


Good afternoon. I downloaded the Asana app to my android tablet.
In the board: inside the task, created a field “Actual time”.
But there is no way to run it in the app.
Checked all settings and restrictions.
How can I make this field run from the app?

Hi @Максим_Больных welcome back to our Community Forum. Unfortunately, at this time, time tracking features are ready-only on our Android and iOS apps. We already have a feature request thread about this topic, so if you don’t mind, I’ll merge your post so that you can add your vote there.

Anything on this functionality? It would make our workload much easier to be able to adjust these fields from mobile, even if there is no timer feature, just the number box would be much appreciated.

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It’s a shame the new time tracking feature isn’t available for mobile devices. I don’t see why this is happenig, it would be so helpful if it worked.


Also really need this feature, incredibly bad please update!

Any Update ?

I would also like this feature, it seems like it should be easy fix but very necessary for a lot of teams

It needs to be clarified where this mobile feature falls in the product roadmap, and the lack of communication is frustrating.

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@Vanessa_N Hey! Just wanted to check if there is any update on this? I know there are so many requests, but this would be great to make the native time tracking in Asana more useful! Thanks!


Mobile time tracking has been promised for quite a while now. Please publish this feature or at least provide a date when this will be implemented.