How to I set Time period for Goals longer than one year? Let’s say I have Goal starting from 1st of January 2022 and ending on 1st of January 2024?
How to I set Time period for Goals longer than one year? Let’s say I have Goal starting from 1st of January 2022 and ending on 1st of January 2024?
How to set a Time period for Goals longer than one year? Let’s say I have a Goal starting from 1st of January 2022 and ending on 1st of January 2024?
Hi @Martynas.P, thanks for reaching out!
It’s not currently possible to set multi-year Goals in Asana. That said, I’m going to move this post to #productfeedback so folks in the community can upvote it and so our developers can get a better look at the needs of our members
@Rebecca_McGrath can’t you choose multi-year from the date and leave the “period” blank?
When will it be possible to select time periods beyond Q4 23 in Goals?
Hi @Steven_Rosseel, welcome to the Asana Community Forum
While this feature isn’t available at this time, hopefully it’s something our Product team can implement in the future
We do have an existing thread for this feature request in the #productfeedback category so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with the existing one to consolidate feedback.
I’ll keep you posted and let you know if I have any updates
As far as I can see, although I can add the correct due date (eg. based on a 3-yr or 5-yr strategic plan) there’s no way to remove the time period at the moment (which only goes to the end of 2023). This means for my client I can either put an incorrect time period or a conflicting time period and due date (I’ve gone for the latter so at least the true ‘due date’ is visible somewhere)
@ Rebecca_McGrath
Is it really not possible to set 3 or 5 year goals? This seems such an oversight and probably an easy fix. For my clients I need to be able to set 5 year goals. Is there any word on making this possible?
Not that we know of, we’ll have to be patient.
This is really needed especially for users whose FY starts after Jan. 1st.
When they set a year long goal, FY pushes to the next year, making them unable to plan for the next year!
ex) If their FY started on Apr.1st 2022, When they create a year long goal, Asana shows up as FY23 (2022.04.01 ~ 2023.03.31).
If they were to plan out for the next year, it should go to FY24 but since Asana doesn’t support that, they can’t even plan for the next year.
Asana’s product team really needs to take this into consideration.
My understanding is that while Goals are still not supported across years, which is a very annoying limitation, an organization can request that Asana Support update their Fiscal Year. I just saw it in the Advanced Section of Settings, and it reads as follows
“You can match your organization’s annual operating rhythm (i.e. fiscal year) in Asana for things like goal management. Your annual time periods currently start on Jan 1 . To edit this, [contact support]”
Hope that helps.
I strongly agree with you!
Adding to this, it would be ideal if multiple quarters or multiple half-years could be selected.
Ideally goals could span either half-years or quarters across years. At my company we set personal goals based on start date, so I’d like to be able to set a goal’s time period as Q4 2023 start and Q3 2024 end for a yearly individual goal for example.
This is separate from FY (fiscal year) discussed earlier as other employees at my company likely have yearly individual goals that start in a different quarter than mine
Currently, only one quarter or half year or year can be selected at a time.
Patience is a virtue I do not possess.
Missing multi year goals without a decent workaround is a massive annoyance.
On the other hand, not many people voted for this, so maybe it is not a thing?
I almost never seen anyone with that need, or at least they were ok with using a custom period.
On top of that, under Company Goals if I set up a Goal for FY24 for example, with subgoals for each quarter and filter for Q1 nothing shows up, not even the subgoal for that quarter. This should be corrected as it means that I can have visibility of my quarter goals only if I select the whole year.
We have same need. We want to define “Company goal” based on strategy that should be landed over 5 years period. So it’s misleading if the “Time period” allowed is only half year at longest. I ended up not defining “Company goal” but just define multiple “Team goal” instead - one for each quarter with identical description. This workaround does not help in clarifying vision and/or long term plan with delivery team. So I’d like company and team goals to be able to span across multi years.
What is unfortunate, at least from my point of view, is that you can’t see custom due dates for goals in the goal overview, and you can’t set filters for due dates in universal reporting.
The lack of a filter for this makes it almost useless (besides seeing the due date when opening the goal).
Currently we are only able to create a goal one year ahead.
But that is only the case if the FY ends within current year (So Jan. 1st ~ Dec 31st).
For those whose FY starts later than January, Goal moves up to next FY automatically.
FY that starts Jan. 1st: - FY22 (Jan 1st, 2022 ~ Dec 31st 2022)
- FY23(Jan 1st, 2023 ~ Dec 31st 2023)
FY that starts after Jan 1st: - FY23 (Feb 1st 2022 ~ Mar 31st 2023)
- Can’t create next year’s goal since FY23 has been taken already
It would be really great if Asana could either
(1) Make FY as a calendar (So users can freely choose the year)
(2) Allow users to create goals ahead by few more years
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