Ability to expand/contract all subtasks in task list at once

Would love an Expand All as well! It would be great for it to be an option to have everything expanded upon opening the project.

Hi David,
This feature request is supported by very many users.
I do understand not every wish will be executed.
I do not understand the reason WHY this very high rated request is not executed the last 3 years: technical issues? capacity?

3 years and this isnā€™t a feature yet. A toggle option would be good.

Agree 100% this would be valuable and save project managers many mouseclicks.

Any news on this feature?

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Hello @asana team. I just upvoted. This feature would be a really great incremental value add.

Yes pleae Asana

I assumed this would be a feature from day one. I can only now assume that Asana does not actually read these streams, and likely doesnā€™t use their own software.


@Stefan_van_Boxtel, I hear your frustration and I hope you voted at the top of the thread because I know that Asana has a detailed process for evaluating Forum and other feedback. And they do rely on their own software.



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LOL, this issue is 3 years old with 675 votes.

ZERO chance Asana evaluates the Forums for feedback.

Instead, they implemented an AI assistant which doesnā€™t work, for which we provided multiple and specific examples to them of where it provided incorrect project status information.

Butā€¦ still canā€™t expand all sections and sub-tasks.

Hi @Jeremy_Hunter, thanks for the candid feedback. I can assure you that our team does consider the community Forum feedback. Iā€™m sorry to hear you donā€™t feel this way!

At Asana, our goal is to create a product that empowers our users and helps them work more efficiently. We are dedicated to making improvements based on user feedback, and we are constantly evolving to meet the needs of our diverse user base. We do take feedback requests in the Forum and across other channels seriously, and they play an important role in shaping the future of Asana. I recommend you checking this thread where we share more details: How Asana co-creates our product with customers

You can also find all community requests that have been implemented in the :rocket: Features Launched category.

In regard to the ability to expand and collapse all subtasks at once in List view, we donā€™t have immediate plans to implement this option. You can add the subtask to the project to always have it visible in list view. Here is a workaround using bookmarklets.

I hope this helps, and thanks again for your feedback. If you have any other specific questions, please feel free to reach out to me. Iā€™m only a DM away!


Iā€™d like to add my vote to this particular feature request, but Emily from Asanaā€™s response above seems to suggest this isnā€™t on the cards in the short to medium term, despite the interest from the user community.

This is a key feature - for projects with several dozen tasks and multiple tasks lists it is far too onerous to expand every list and subtask one by one. Other tools do this by default or with a keyboard shortcut. What used to take me one click or no clicks at all in other tools now take several clicks and adds considerable time to what used to take no time at all.


As one of the many who consider this a basic feature request, could you please help us understand why Asana does not agree?


Hard agree with everyone else stating this is a basic request. I mean, thatā€™s why the subtask feature exists, no? Why make the ability to see everything more laborious than it needs to be? I use Asana for itā€™s visual aid in my planning. I canā€™t do that if I canā€™t see everything by default. So counterintuitive.

Asana is extremely clunky and convoluted compared to Jira, Linear, etc on this.

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Adding yet another vote here for a very simple, very basic feature request. Our team moved over to Asana from a different PM software which allowed this. Every PM software Iā€™ve ever worked with has allowed this. Itā€™s different to get buy-in on a new product without something like this, which is a very straightforward request. Itā€™s disappointing to see itā€™s been requested for 4+ years now with no traction.


Any news if this view will be available? It prevents our organization to switch from Monday to Asana due to lack of expanding all 5 levels of subtasks in the list view - something that can be done in Monday.com.

This is basic functionality that should have been available day 1

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Would be a very useful enhancement for the end user.

Hi @Dhafer_alFalah , welcome to the forum :wave:

You may want to try out Supersana.io which is a great 3rd party plugin that can do this!

Pinging Supersana creator, @Bryan_TeamKickstart !

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