Ability to expand/contract all subtasks in task list at once

Is there a way to have all subtasks on the board view expanded?

Yes, please add me to those requesting this option, what a time-saver this would be. Anything to eliminate a ton of extra clicking would be awesome!


Any updates here? This would be extremely helpful and seems quick to implement

3 years and this feature is still not done?


+1 Need this

+1. Help

+1 waiting for this feature

1 Like

Wow 3 full years and nothing. I am just starting to learn Asana and two HYPER basic features (percentage complete) and (collapse/expand all) don’t exist. There are dozens of alternatives to Asana. These simple features and the fact that one of them has been an issue for 3 years, means Asana has lost touch with the customer.


And I thought PTC has horrible incorporation scheduled. 3+ years on a basic feature like this? WOW.

Hello, looking for this feature as well.

Asana Community Managers Emily_Roman , Marie , Nao_Kumazaki any ETA on this feature?

Hey @James_Healey,

The Asana team is always monitoring this forum and they are aware about popular feedback requests :slight_smile: They not only check the total votes but also the total views of a feedback request thread.

Since Asana does not have a public roadmap I cannot tell if and when this will be implemented.

However, what I can say is that Asana has always been and is constantly listening to their customers and implementing new features. Just have a look at all the features they launched in the last few months and also last year, which includes well-requested ones from the forum :slight_smile:

Just searched for an ‘expand all’ feature i Asana and found this post. I also think this would be an extremely useful add in. Lets hope my comment creates a tipping point :slight_smile:


Are no product managers paying attention to this feed?

Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @anon98270171!
They are monitoring just not commenting on every „I want this“ or „+1“ comment

Just have a look at the release notes and you will see how many feature are actually being launched, including many from posts that had hundreds of votes :slight_smile:

Hi @anon98024087, welcome to the Asana Community Forum! :raising_hand_man: Feel free to upvote at the top of this thread if you’ve not already done so. :arrow_up::+1:

Does anyone know if this new update allows the user to do this (namely, save view with subtasks visible)?

Asking because my Asana platform hasn’t received the update yet.

I also need this feature. When I try to ctrl + f to search something, it doesn’t search the collapsed items, which is pointless because then I have to open every drop down to see all subtasks so that I can search it. If there was an easy way to open all subtasks at once, then I could ctrl + f easily.

I’m surprised this basic functionality doesn’t exist.

You know what else doesn’t exist? The ability to show the exact time (not just the date) that a task is due. I have several sequential items all due on the same day, but in order to see the times they’re due, I have to click on each item individually. As soon as I click on the next item to look at the time, I can no longer see the time for the old item. So there is absolutely no way for me to see all the due times at once. What’s the point of even having that field then? Anyway, that’s not why I’m here. I’m here because I would love a way to expand all subtasks, or close all, similar to excel or google sheets pivot tables.

Each day, I discover some basic functionality that Asana doesn’t have and each day, I’m just as dumbfounded as before.

This post is over 3 years old, are we ever going to get this feature? Seems like enough people think it is a good idea, disappointed in asana for not adding this simple feature yet.