Ability to create and assign tasks from Google Docs

I have this working in Beta, you create an Action Item section at the end of your document and then using the Google Workspace Add-On you can create bi-directional links from Google Docs to Asana. https://jargonfly.com/ is the system, send me a email hugh at jargonfly.com to be added to the beta.

The google workspace add-on has been published https://workspace.google.com/marketplace/app/jargonfly/882319125969?hl=en

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Chiming in here - it would be great to have this in Asana without an add-in. Has this been a feature request yet to vote on?

Hello–has this been implemented? Would love this feature as well

Hi all,
Here’s a workaround to get Asana tasks created from my Google Documents that’ll I share in case it’s helpful:

  1. I assign folks tasks using Google Tasks in my Google Docs (more info here). Basically, just create a checklist using the boxes and then assign.
  2. Gmail emails the assignee about t the task that says “XYZ assigned you a task in the following document.” I created a filter in gmail so that it’ll forward all emails with “assigned you a task in the following document.” to my Asana (x@mail.asana.com), creating a task for me.

That said, Zapier also has a Google Tasks => Asana integration. However, it’s currently broken (seemingly on Google’s side).

Hopefully this is helpful to someone.


I tested that today. I was able to integrate Google Sheets but I dont see the notifcations in my Asana Inbox. Do I make something wrong?

Please implement this feature

Hello - also chiming in - I love Asana but this feature would save me a lot of time and compete functionality-wise with Monday or Coda!

We could REALLY use this integration. I’d pay actual dollars for this!!!

I need this feature so bad

Hi all,
I’ve seen that Asana launched a smart chip with Google Docs, but honestly, this doesn’t do much apart from making a link look nice in a doc. I’m interested in knowing if you’ll add functionality to create an Asana task from Google Docs - which was in Google’s announcements. Thanks


Thanks for sharing your feedback with us, @anon66039782! As it stands, you can currently see task details via Google Smart chips in Google Docs. However, we don’t have immediate plans to launch an option to create tasks from Google Docs. I have merged your request with Ability to create and assign tasks from Google Docs to consolidate feedback. We will post an update as soon as we have any news.

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This is a brilliant workaround. Thank you so much for sharing.

Hi, any news for this request? we could really use an option to create a task from google to asana

Hi, Following this thread. My organization would really benefit from being able to create an Asana task in Google Docs and broader Workspace.

Does “publish to web” make this publicly accessible?

This would be a great feature. +1

Adding an additional vote for this feature…Our large org only uses Google Docs and it would be mission critical for getting folks out of several google docs!



+1 to this feature request - has it been implemented already? requesting since 2017 YEESH :sweat_smile:

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