Our small organisation (9 employees only) started using Asana recently. We purchased 2 seats of the so called ‘Advanced’ subscription.
Now the following occurs:
When all 9 employees are logged in to Asana at the same time, only one of them (being me) is able to use all the functionalities that come with the ‘Advanced’ subscription. All others are still running on the (free) ‘Personal’ subscription.
Question: in which way can a second employee claim the second seat (and then use the ‘Advanced’ functionalities too)? What needs to be activated?
Thank you in advance for clarifying and helping me out; it will be appreciated!
Are the other users signed in with ‘personal’ email addresses (like @gmail.com@yahoo.com, etc?). I think the Organization licenses only extend to users with the same domain name on their email address.
It sounds like you may be on an Advanced Team or Advanced Division plan, rather than an Advanced Organization plan.
If so, and if the projects they’re using are in teams that are not added to the Team or Division plan by your Asana Admin, then that would explain it.
Anyone logging in to your Asana with an email matching your org’s domain name will be a Member and thus use a seat, all others will be Guests and not use a seat, but they will have access to many, though not all, of the Advanced features.
First of all thank you very much for your quick reply; that is highly appreciated.
I think I understand the situation and what is wrong. But it is strange to me that I purchased 2 seats but I am currently only able to use 1. In my opinion it should be independent of the plan you are on (Team, Division or Organization).
So now only one question remains. I have access to all the Advanced functionalities; how can I now add a second colleague of mine to get all these Advance functionalities as well?
Stated otherwise: I simply want 2 of our 9 employees being able to use/have access to all the Advance functionalities. How can it be done?
FYI: all employees of our company, and we are all using Asana, do have the same org’s domain name.
I look forward to your reply; thank you in advance!
If my last reply wasn’t helpful, I think your best bet will be to contact Support who will have visibility into your unique situation so they can help you directly. To create a support ticket: see How to contact our Support Team.