It would be nice with a Workload view on the My Task page. In my team we always plan our own week before aligning ressources with the rest of the team.
A “My Tasks” Timeline view could also be an alternative.
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Hours on Calendar/Timeline view
yes - I could really use a way to see just how heavy I’m loading my own plate, and what the day, week, month is looking like.
Right now i have to do this by creating a seperate project, etc and it creates a bunch of overhead and need for discipline/time that would be much better spent actually working on the things.
It would be really helpful and then I can determine even more how much time I can spend on something that day!
Hi. I think it would be mighty useful to be able to see a team member’s workload across different portfolio’s. Like so:
Hi @anon76713525, thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback
We do have an existing request for this feature in the #productfeedback category already so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with the existing one to consolidate feedback - I hope you don’t mind!
I’ll keep you updated on the main thread and let you know if we have any news