Widget requests

Hi all!

I get feedback from users with requests to upgrade functionality of our organizations home screen through additional widgets.

The most requested widgets are:

  • Inbox widget
  • Search (/saved query) widget

Search (/saved query) widget
Every now and then teams use a search query to find tasks which are not assigned to any project or team member, and clean up our organization. It would be very helpfull if these queries could be saved and stored in a ‘search’ widget on the homescreen, so users responsible for monitoring unassigned tasks get a daily overview on their homescreen.

Looking forward to your feedback and additions :slight_smile:



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@Sidney_van_Niel – welcome to the forum!

As for the inbox widget, I don’t have any feedback for you. But for the search…

You can save searches, name them, and then locate them later in your starred section of your navigation pane.

Hope your team finds this helpful.
