Where to create a project that is not part of any Teams?

I have a few projects that are just mine. For example, I’ve created projects for each of my direct reports meetings. I don’t want to place them in our general IT Department team area, and was wondering how others handle that.


Hi @Jeff_Franchetti
Welcome to the Asana Community Forum!
You can’t create a project without having a team and to change the settings you have to be the admin of the team/workspace/organization
In this case,
You can create a separate personal workspace.
and create your personal projects there.
For more information follow this documentation/guide

@Jeff_Franchetti and @Soumyadeep_Mandal,

I’d recommend you create a Private Team called “Jeff” with only yourself as Team Member and put your own Projects there.

(I’d discourage a separate Workspace because then you’ll have another separate Inbox and My Tasks to keep track of, and no flexibility of a Teams level of hierarchy within.)

You may find this free ebook chapter I wrote helpful; I include that tip as one of many in there:



I just make the project private. Only you can see it and even members in that team cannot see it.

Thanks. I definitely don’t want to use a separate workspace (or use my persona workspace). This is work related, and I don’t want to deal wit the issues you’ve mentioned.

Creating a private team called “Jeff” could work, but I also don’t want everyone in my department to have to do that (we would have 75 teams.

What we are discussing is creating a top level team for everyone (“IT Department - ALL”). And then people can create private projects in this single global shared space.


While you’re suggesting doing in your recent post (private projects in a group team) is, I think, what you were trying to avoid in your initial post!

You can certainly do that, but I think my suggestion (private teams for those who need them) is more convenient, perhaps a little less prone to error, and makes more sense from an admin point of view. I don’t see what the downside is to 75 teams that are private; each only shows up in the sole member’s sidebar.

An alternative is to do both options.
