I’m working on onboarding one of our teams right now, and I want to import the Asana Conventions and Etiquette project template. It is asking me for a team ID to know where to import it to. Where do I find that information?
Hi @Jonathan_Constant Thank you for reaching out.
Just to fully understand your question: are you referring to the API reference? To get the Team ID, please use: https://asana.com/developers/api-reference/teams#get
I hope this helps! Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with!
Thanks for responding. I’m not a developer so I’m unfamiliar with API. I’m referring to the Asana Conventions and Etiquette project template which I found here: Log in - Asana
I was linked to this page by the Unit on Conventions in the Set your team up for success course in Asana Academy, found here: https://academy.asana.com/set-your-team-up-for-success/279853
When I click on the plus next to the project a pop up at the bottom of my screen tells me ‘Select import destination. Select where you’d like to import your templates.’ There is a box to enter in a ‘Team ID.’ I thought this might just be the name of my team but that didn’t seem to work. I do not know what information it is asking for though nor where to find it.
Thank you for the clarification @Jonathan_Constant! Your Team ID is the last big set of numbers in your Team’s URL.
I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any follow-up question!
Got it @Natalia! Thank you so much!
This info shouldn’t be on the url
Im trying to import a template and I receive an error ( and an Internal Server error from Asana opps)
I am getting exactly the same thing as Mau. Very unfortunate as I was excited to get ready for launching this to my team and wanted to use these templates.
Here’s a way you can get your team ID:
Go to Asana API Explorer, Click the red bar to authorize API Explorer to access your Asana info (this is an official Asana Explorer produced by the Asana developer team).
Make these two selections from the top dropdown:
If you have more than 10 teams in your organization, change the “Limit” in the “Paginate” area from 10 to 100.
If you’re connected to more than one workspace in your account, select the appropriate workspace from the “Workspace” dropdown.
Then click “Submit”. Below that, you’ll then get a list of all of your teams. Grab the “ID” for the appropriate team!
I followed the steps you outlined and am getting the same internal server error that @Mau outlined above.
Any further suggestions? I’m working on figuring out how to onboard different teams within our company and these templates look very useful. I’m disappointed I’m not able to import them.
I definitely think you need to file a ticket with Asana support on that one. To contact their support, go here:
Click “I’m having trouble with…”, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Let’s talk”.
Was this problem solved ? @Jonathan_Constant @Mau @Phil_Seeman @steve.white @Natalia ? I really wanted to use some of these templates, but unfortunately it’s appearing the same error.
This worked! I followed these directions to find the specific team ID I wanted to import the template to - not our “main” team ID found in the URL of our home page - and once the template had a specific place to go it uploaded very quickly!
Sorry for the delay in responding here @Gabriel_Sthefan, @Mau and @Mya_Gupta @steve.white. Can you please confirm if you are still experiencing this issue?
Looking forward to your reply!
@Natalia yes! Success, I used the suggestion left by @Megan_Kuhlman. Perhaps adding instructions on how to find your team id would be helpful.
Thanks all for your help!
Glad to hear that @Mya_Gupta!
Your Team ID is the last big set of numbers in your Team’s URL.
I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any follow-up question!
After @Phil_Seeman instruction on the current date, worked. I believe that a simple import as that to the project should not be so complicated ( getting id to teams, enabling API access, etc ).
Hi, I tried to click this link but got only:
“The explorer is currently under maintenance. You’ll need to use curl or our [Postman collection]in the mean time.”
Any help? I would really benefit of this “Asana Conventions & Etiquette” template but cannot find the team ID to import the template…
Oh, that’s true, the Asana developer support team has taken that utility down for now.
But here’s anther way to get a Team ID, thanks to @Bastien_Siebman’s totally awesome (and free) utility! Go to iDO Tools - Improve Asana with our tools and automations; grant access to your Asana account and voila, you’ll get a list of all of your teams. Uncheck the “Hide technical info” checkbox and it will show you the ID for each team.
Thank you! @Phil_Seeman last post was amazing and it worked to find the right project ID (not just TEAM ID). Plus I’m loving that website. Thank you again!