Webhook for inviting user into workspace, then get the team/projects names of the new user was invited into?

So I have created a webhook that will trigger when a new user is invited into a workspace, and then I can get the gid of the new user, and send an API to get the new user’s team if any, but how could I get the projects that the new user is invited into? I couldn’t find any APIs that link a project to a user. Please help, thanks!

Don’t know why I cannot edit my post but anyway…

This is the webhook I established

  "data": {
    "resource": "{{gid_workspace}}",
    "target": "{{target}}",
    "filters": [
        "resource_type": "workspace_membership",
        "action": "added"

The goal is that I need to know any user is invited into a workspace/team/project and get the info of teams or projects that is invited in. Any suggestion is appreciated!