Viewing activity feed of all comments in a project

Welcome, @Blo,

Note: Not a solution but marked as such to elevate a key reply

Until/if this feature becomes available, you can click the Search box > Advanced Search > Limit your search as helpful, say by project or team. Then do Add filter > Dates > Modification date > choose a range like within the last week. You’ll see a search result sorted by last modified date. It’s not just comment mods, but it’s the best workaround for now. You can “star” that search, name it, and click it whenever you’d like to see a refreshed list.

Hope that helps,


We need to be able to see all comments and also all messages. I don’t normally put all comms in Asana because it’s too confusing. A client does, but it’s so hard to then find anything. In this case, email works better :frowning:

@Arthur_Davis, FWIW, the advanced search results display has tabs at the top to allow you to see both Tasks and Messages there.

Am I right in saying “Messages” is not “Comments” though? If I go to the Messages tab it’s empty, it does not list all the comments on all tasks?

So for me, I still cannot see the comments for a project, unless I use the Inbox, but then its cluttered with other things then. Although you can filter it by person and “unread” but its not perfect. I still seem to be re-reading things just in case I missed it.

Messages and Comments are two separate features in Asana. This thread was originally about Comments, then one person asked about Messages.

My workaround in:

Allows you to see recently-modified tasks or messages; clicking each will then show comments or messages, respectively.



Ok thanks. I have clicked through all tasks comments this way. I think I prefer looking at the Inbox for now, and filtering by customer and unread. Wish this could be a tab in the project itself, like a Project Inbox or similar. Or why not add comments into the Message tab, or have a Comment tab.

Anyway, thank you.


I would love a tab in the project view where I can see all the comments within that project.

There are times that I just want to keep up with the conversations and/or clear up any confusion that often surfaces in comments (but if I am not tagged I would never know).

Other times, I know I saw a comment related to a project I want to reply to later on (e.g. after finding an answer), but I cannot remember which task it was in and I cannot find it.

@Shawn_Taylor - I’ve merged your post with an existing feedback request on this topic. Make sure you use the Vote button near the title to lend your voice of support! I 100% agree that some kind of comment feed (or activity feed with the ability to filter down to activity type = comment) would be huge.