Videos Unavailable in Asana Academy

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
I am trying to complete the courses in Asana Academy and whenever there is a video that is to be viewed, the videos is unavailable.
Steps to reproduce:

Browser version:

Upload screenshots below:

Hi @Elizabeth_Wilcox and thanks for the report!

  1. Could you confirm which browser you’re using?

  2. Could you also access these videos from a private/incognito window and send me a screenshot of what you’re seeing (including the URL bar)

  3. Have you tried another browser? Are you having the same issue?

Thanks for your help and looking forward to your reply!

I am also having this problem. I am using google chrome and videos in the academy are giving me the same error message as @elizabeth_wilcox

I keep getting a “Cannot load video – this video is unavailable message” on Safari AND Chrome – and I have ensured both browers are updated. This is when I am trying to watch tutorial videos in the Asana Academy and also when I click on “timeline” in Asana Premium to view one of my campaigns. Can anyone help?

Thanks for all the reports! I’ve escalated the issue and our team is looking into this! We’ll make sure to keep you posted via this thread when we know more. So sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you so much for your help!

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Update: Our team was already on the case and has just access to videos, so you should now be able to load them (although you might need to clear your cache and cookies) :zap:

Moving this thread to #bugs:resolved-bugs for now, but please let us know if you’re still running into trouble!

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