Variables for project templates


You can vote for this feature here:

Would you be ok with my merging this topic into that one?

Until/if that’s implemented, two workarounds:

The simplest, which I recognize doesn’t solve the problem in the way you are asking, is to consider toggling on the display of the “Project” field in List view projects. Then, in any project’s list view where someone is looking at “Create G-Suite Account” they’ll also see next to it “David Onboarding.”

To achieve what you want, you could accomplish it without a task template but instead with a rule in the project template utilizing a variable to change all task titles. Add Onboardee as a text custom field in the project template but which you set only in the project after creation with one multi-select of all tasks to the Onboardee’s name. The project template rule would be: When Onboardee is changed, Do this Set task title to [task name] - [Onboardee].



Sure. Please merge

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And your suggestion should work! Thanks!

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@lpb Actually, the custom field option for fill in the blank custom field, isn’t showing up under my rules section. I wonder if for a rule, it needs to be where you set in selections?

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So sorry about that; you’re right! “When” in the rule trigger can’t be a text custom field (you can see I was conjuring this up without actually testing it).

Rather than your suggested workaround, which would work, I think it will be easier to make a different workaround:

In the project template, and one more custom field: A single-select called “Action” with a single value “Add onboardee name” and leave it unset for every task in the template.

Change the rule as follows:

  • When Action is changed; Check if Action is set to Add onboardee name
  • In Do this: add another action: Unset Action [just to clean up]

In the project, multi-select and first set the Onboardee name for all tasks. Then still multi-selected with all tasks, set the Action. That should do it.

