User role - Super Admin


I’ve been using asana for several years now, and love it!
One of my staff whom I trust a lot, I want to give him admin access.

But with the current admin access, he has the ability to kick me out from the admin, therefore I dont feel safe to give him this admin access.

Is there any chance Asana can develop general admin role, where this admin essentially can add/remove standard user only by any chance?

or the owner of the organisation by default as the super admin?


Hey @Stephen_Andelo, welcome to the Community Forum :sparkles:

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback, I can certainly understand how this would be really beneficial to your Asana experience!

Hi everyone! I’m excited to announce we just started rolling out the new admin role: Super Admin! :tada:

Super Admins have access to the full set of admin features as well as security settings for the entire organization. If you want to limit access to some settings you can grant Admin access and keep Super Admins limited to IT administrators or admins who need to manage all settings. You can find all information in this article:


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