User Limitations in Personal Plan


We are using Asana Basic Plan very actively and we have learned about switching from Basic to Free plan and new limitation on 10 Members.

Please let me know if this new limitation is per Team Members or limitation of total users?

I have several independent teams: 2 teams with 6 members, and one team with 12 members. In total: 24 users.

When I will move to Personal Plan will I be limited to 10 users for all teams or only for team where I have 12 members?


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amaizing question would love the answer to that!

we are in a similar situarion to you, but we still use the free plan, i Worry if ill need to add more thean 10 people in a project , would it be any limitation in i olny pay for the basic plan? Can all my other teamates still funcsion wwith their free acount!

  • i seams the limit was for 15 users now is down to 10, for free accounts, but is this limit for every workspace or not, you add up the users in all the workspaces an the limit to free acounts in son 10 users?