Use different sorting in different columns

This suggestion would take sorting columns in product boards to new levels. While I love being able to sort my columns by date (my most used sort by far), I find it to be limiting with how we use Asana.

We have separate project boards for different clients. We’ll add tasks as you typically would, and we tend to sort the columns in our projects by the due date on the tasks. This works great. The issue comes when tasks are completed;

Say I have been working on a task for a couple of days that is at the top of my ‘to-do’ column, and finally finish it! Yay! I mark it as such and it automatically moves to the ‘completed’ column (:star:), but then something in the scope changes and we have to go back and make tweaks. Well, guess what? Because the columns were so excellently sorted… it’s now at the very bottom of my list of completed tasks.

I can search for it, sure. I can look in my Inbox for mentions of this task, sure. I can even scroll aaaall the way down… sure.

But wouldn’t it be great if I could choose to sort JUST the ‘completed’ column by Descending due date, or even by Completed date?! This… This would change my life, not to be dramatic or anything.

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Hi @Philip_Lundgren I know this doesn’t do what you are suggesting, but a workaround (perhaps you’ve considered it?) is rather than creating a different column with all your completed tasks, you could simply have on your filter by default for “Incomplete Tasks”. Then you could create a separate saved view tab for Completed Tasks - that only shows completed tasks in their descending due date. That way one view shows only the incomplete tasks, sorted as you like, and the second tab shows only the Completed Tasks, sorted as you like.

My screenshot shows a list view, but you could look at it as a Board view instead.


Hello @Philip_Lundgren

And welcome back to the forum.

I believe what you are after is currently available. Please see my screen shot below.

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 15.44.21

Once you do so, you can go ahead and save any views you like as @Kelsea_Lopez shared in her comment.

PS - You can choose descending in completed on sort, and ascending in another time related field. Try it out and let me know if this solves your issue.


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