Unable to export Actual Time data

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing: I’m trying to create reporting that will provide data around ticket duration from when a ticket was assigned to when ticket is completed. I tried using the actual time feature in Asana but data is not available when exporting to excel. I’ve tried this via Chrome & Asana app.

Steps to reproduce: Added Actual Time on tickets > Export data

Browser version: Asana App & Chrome

Upload screenshots below:

Welcome, @Arturo_Martinez1,

I’ve moved your post because Asana would likely would not classify this as a bug, and so that you can vote for that at the top of this thread.

The way I read the question–“exporting to excel”–I assume you’re asking about CSV export, but CSV export only offer the total actual time for the task, because CSV doesn’t easily support multidimensional/hierarchical output (table of actual time makeup within each task).

But maybe this addresses your need:



@lpb – I didn’t know Asana2Go would allow you to export actual time data. Will it export with custom field information or who logged the time?

Thanks for raising this question, @Christine_Bolton. I’ve just updated my answer to be more correct.

Hey @lpb
Is this exporting limitation going to be overcome somewhen? Or do you have any workaround for that?
Losing the granularity of when a certain amount of time has been added makes it difficult for my team to use Asana at all (bc we are required to download data in Excel for performance review).

Thanks in advance!


Asana doesn’t provide a roadmap, but they should update this post if/when the feature is added.

I believe this data is accessible via the Asana API, but that requires code to access.

